Highlights of High Africa

Last week from Wednesday to Friday, the Grade 5's went on camp to High Africa.
I found it really exciting getting to build a raft and go into the river. We had a lot of free time to swim in it as well. I really loved doing the low ropes or 'Long Walk to Freedom' as they call it. The leap of faith was very fun. When I started the jump it was scary and my reaction was priceless, but afterwards I realised how great it was. I was really enthralled by the rock climbing, but I only made it halfway. Another thing I really enjoyed, was participating in the potjie competition.
It was challenging working as a team for some of the activities like the rafting and the low ropes. Another challenge was having to deal with all the mosquitos in our cabin because nobody wanted me to spray the mosquito repellent. Camp was a fun experience with some challenges and I can't wait to go back to High Africa in Grade 7.


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