Poetry ILT

I Last week from Wednesday to Friday, the Senior Primary had our ILT and the theme for the Grade sixes was poetry. An ILT is an integrated learning task where we work in groups and do interesting but challenging projects based on one topic. There were many interesting things that we did in this ILT like poetry terminology, writing poems, blackout poetry and we even had our own poetry slam. In Grade 4 and 5, we have one topic and we do work in all the subjects based on the topic, but in Grade 6, it is all mainly one subject, a different subject each term. Obviously because the theme was poetry, the main subject for this year's ILT was English. For writing our poems we had to choose a theme and and style of poetry and write poems based on that theme. My group's theme was the galaxy. This week, we're going on our camp to Rocklands from tomorrow to Friday. I am very excited because this is my last camp in the Senior Primary. We went to Rocklands in Grade 3 but ...